For the Relief Society's 171 Birthday we had a Bright B-Day Bash (again, our ward is having STAR themed RS Meetings this year). Dinner was lasagna and garlic bread with salad. A wonderful sister in our ward make cakes and she made a cake to share. We played Bingo as a gift exchange game (winner got to pick first gift. Second winner, picked second, etc.). The service project was cleaning the nursery closet toys.
This was a pretty simple RS Meeting and if we can do it, so can your ward!
This was the poster displayed in front of the Chapel.

And this was the invitation before it was printed out.

2 parallel slits were made with a razor blade and a white birthday candle was put in the middle. Cute, huh?

Tables were decorated with empty boxes wrapped with butcher paper. Balloons were also tied around the room. Paper stars were cut out and tied with toole around the chairs.

On the plates, were star cookie cutters (found at DI for 3 BUCKS for like 100 of them!!! Score.)

in front of the plates were little labels announcing the birthday and year of the Relief Society.

And my favorite part was the cut out flags on the straws.... Did you miss them?
Here take a closer look:
I spend WAY too much time planning this stuff.
Who needs sleep right?
They are cut out on birthday scrapbook paper. (Dorky smile with two thumbs up).
This is a picture of the nursery toys. We put them in trash bags to move them to the gym. We had two tables. One for the dirty and one for the clean. Cleaned with Clorox Wipes or was it Lysol?....
We also had a label for the gift wrapped Bingo game. Feel free to use any of these.
The last two images were made for some cupcake toppers and the cookie cutter. Again, feel free to use them!

Who doesn't love birthdays? Especially when you're 171 years old?!?!?!
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