Wednesday, March 14, 2012

ORANGE you glad we have Prophets?

Isn't he cute?  The orange, I mean :)

Draw smiley faces on 6-8 oranges and put them on the table.  Choose a reverent child to come and choose an orange.  For each orange have a different knock knock joke to tell about what we are glad for.  Then sing a corresponding song.
For example:

Knock, knock?
Who's there?
Orange who?
Orange you glad we have prophets and apostles?

Then sing a song about prophets, such as Stand for the Right.

Other jokes for your oranges, can end with:
Orange you glad for temples?  Song: Families Can be Together Forever
Orange you glad we can give service?  Song:  Give, Said the Little Stream
Orange you glad we can smile?  Song:  Smiles
Orange you glad we can pray to Heavenly Father?  Song:  A Child's Prayer
Orange you glad for missionaries?  Song:  I Hope they Call me on a Mission
Orange you glad for this beautiful world?  Song:  My Heavenly Father Loves Me

Orange you glad for visiting iheartprimarymusic?

We are glad too :)

Happy singing and check out our other posts from this week!!!


  1. That's cute, I think my primary will love this.

  2. Can I just tell you how brillliant you are?!? I love this website so much!! You have made our primary worth coming too haha!!! (ps-I am your biggest fan ;) Thank you just isn't enough!
    Xoxo Amanda

  3. Love this super easy idea....thanks much!
